Aaron Mayes scored a very impressive result on his advanced test earlier in the week. He has only been driving for a couple of years but applied himself diligently to the task of attaining a higher standard in his driving and was very successful. Gaining a F1rst award is no mean feat!
Aaron’s examiner had some very encouraging comments to make after the drive. “Spoken thought was articulated throughout the drive to a competent standard, and his knowledge of the Highway Code was well above the average.
Driving through a village on a narrow road, Aaron allowed appropriate space from vehicles parked nearside for a car door to open without risk of collision. He made very plentiful use of mirrors at every opportunity, and consistently firmed up the drive and made progress with a mind around safety, road conditions and the like.”
Well done Aaron – lots of detailed application of advanced driving techniques that got you a terrific result. Congratulations from all of us at GAM.