The Guildford and District Group of Advanced Motorists (GAM), formed over 40 years ago, is one of around 180 groups around the country affiliated to IAM RoadSmart (formerly known as the Institute of Advanced Motorists). GAM is a voluntary organisation, constituted as separate, independent charity (number at the bottom of the website), with a Group Committee made up of IAM Members.
The aim of GAM is to promote “Safer roads for Surrey“. We do this by assisting drivers preparing for the Advanced Driving Test, providing a local voice on motoring matters, and acting as a focal point for Members to exchange information and views on driving topics. The Group also helps to keep Members up-to-date with IAM RoadSmart Membership benefits.
GAM has around 250 Full Members, all of whom have passed the IAM Advanced Driving Test and are current Members of IAM RoadSmart. In addition, around 60 Group Associates are following the Advanced Driver training programme at any time and progressing towards the test under the watchful eyes of the Group’s Observers in a series of observed runs. In the last four years over 100 Group Associates have been recommended as reaching the standard required for the test. Of those taking the test, nearly 95% have passed first time, giving the Group one of the highest pass rates in the country.
The Group operates under a number of Rules, many of which are mandated by IAM RoadSmart and some are unique to the Guildford Group.
Most of our Members and Associates come from the areas around Guildford in Surrey, Hampshire and West Sussex or have close links with the area.
For a number of years in a row, Guildford Advanced Motorists has been recognised at IAM Annual Conferences as one of the top three IAM groups in the UK. The Group committee are all proud of the effort and commitment of those group members who work so hard and tirelessly to make the group the success it is.