How to Join

If you would like to join the Guildford Advanced Motorists (GAM) Group, you first have to join IAM RoadSmart (formerly known as the Institute of Advanced Motorists) as an Associate Member; to do so, visit the IAM RoadSmart website.

When you have done this and wish to join GAM, either call the Membership Secretary on 07396 821263 or e-mail the Membership Secretary at , quoting your IAM RoadSmart Associate Membership number, please.

The fee for an Associate joining GAM is included in the fee paid by the Associate to IAM RoadSmart for the Advanced Driving course. However, once the Associate passes the Advanced Driving Test, the new Member must pay the annual fee to IAM RoadSmart (see their website for the fees) and then an annual fee of £10.00 to remain a GAM Member (but you must remain a Member of IAM RoadSmart to be a Member of GAM).